Guess the word

The goal of this game is to checkmate the opponent's king, that is, the king can't escape from check at all.
To put the king in check means to move a piece so that the king is under immediate attack by that piece itself.
If you succeed in checkmating the opponent's king, you win. But if your opponent checkmates your king, you lose.
How to move each piece:
Click on any piece of your color, then click on any green square to move it to that square.
Pawn: One or two squares forward if first time, only one square forward onwards
Rook: Only horizontally and vertically
Knight: Only squares not in the same row, column and diagonal, like the shape of the letter L
Bishop: Only diagonally
Queen: Horizontally, vertically and diagonally (rook and bishop combined)
King: Only one square at a time in any direction